Thanks for stopping by. This is the place where you can find out about the projects I'm working on and where I'll share some of the things I'm excited about. I produce and host the Sunday Show on BBC Radio Bristol - 10am-2pm and pop up in other places too - so come and say 'Hi'.
Having a microphone's just an excuse to meet all sorts of fascinating people and have a go at things I wouldn't normally get to try. I've been floored in less than a second by a Master of martial arts, had snakes, rats and spiders crawling over my face and cycled backwards on a reverse tandem, all while live on the radio.
I've picked up the odd award too - welly wanging champ (1994) and more recently some honours for doing good shows on BBC radio.
Thanks for all the help you’ve offered me - turning on the show in the afternoon, supporting events and watching my videos. I’m really grateful. If you'd like to stay in touch on Facebook - I'm here:
If you've got an exciting event or project that you'd like me to get involved in - send me an email hello@laurarawlings.co.uk or get in touch via social media.
P.S. The photo below...
I don't usually look like I've got a pineapple-esque bush on top of my head - just when I'm at the Antiques Road Show ;)
I've presented some features for television - including one about a giant, ancient cave in Bristol and one about the Bristol Hollywood legend, Cary Grant.
They were broadcast on BBC One.